My Tabs

Friday, March 19, 2010

iBlog6 is Coming!

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iBlog6 will happen from April 16-17, 2010. Venue is Malcolm Theater, Malcolm Hall, UP College of Law, UP Diliman, Quezon City.

While this is, as it says, its 6th year already, this will only be my 4th year to attend this summit. 2006 was the first time I joined iBlog. Since then, I have become friends with an entire blogging community, participated in so many blogger events and advocacies, and learned so much (and still continuing to learn).

For newbie bloggers, this is THE annual conference to attend if you want to pick up really great tips on blogging and various issues about it, including how to bring it to the next level and monetizing it. This is also where you will get to meet in the flesh the people behind blogs you just have been reading or hearing about to date. For veteran bloggers, it is a great excuse to meet up with fellow bloggers, many of whom are already very good friends.

Another good excuse to go? The whole thing is FREE!

iBlogs in the past were 1-day events but this year, it has become a 2-day affair. Day One is reserved for those interested in the entrepreneurial, marketing and advertising aspect of blogging while Day Two is a day for all bloggers.

Check out iBlog6's homepage HERE

To see the 2-day programme of activities, click HERE

To register, go HERE

1 comment:

  1. Hello Jane. Thank you for all the help in spreading the word about iBlog6. See you there!


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