My Tabs

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Seeing the brighter side of life with the "Be Happy" Movement of NGF

Studies show a rising incidence of depression. Unfortunately, depression is not easily recognized as such and treated appropriately and as a result, suicides occur when these may have been prevented. Some depression triggers known include, but are not limited to, sad moments brought about by rejection, failure, trauma, and illness or loss of a loved one. Each one of these triggers requires varying medical approaches to manage and treat the resulting depression.

The Natasha Goulbourn Foundation (NGF) was set up in loving memory of Natasha Goulbourn who suffered from depression but was known for her love for life and compassion for others. Her Mom, Jean Goulbourn, is its President. The foundation was created with the sole mission of sharing with the world wide-ranging education and comprehensive information about depression. And it seeks to demystify and help eliminate the stigma carried by people suffering from depression by holding lectures and seminars that promote integrative approaches in the management and treatment of depression. Both proven modalities of mainstream as well as alternative medicine are employed for the benefit of those suffering from depression.

NGF believes that before real depression sets in, a state of happiness can be created and maintained on a regular, continuing basis. So they decided to launch the "Be Happy" movement -- to plant small seeds of happiness that eventually blossom into feelings of joy, pleasure and cheerfulness within the self. These "seeds" could be as simple as a kind gesture, a word of encouragement, a smile or a hug.

How does this "Be Happy" movement work?

Give yourself a Happy Hour line!

Happy Hour is that time of the day when one willfully chooses to be happy. By exerting effort to find something to be happy about, even something as trivial as watching the sun rise or listening to birds chirp outside your window or finding time to call a loved one or friend, or laughing wholeheartedly, one's spirit can be lifted up from the cloud of depression.

I call this "smelling the flowers" moments.

A woman can have her ME time which could be settling down with a good book, chatting with friends online or on the phone, or thinking happy thoughts. With men, it could be walking the dog, a run around the block or watching a favorite movie.

Psychiatrist Dr. Lou Casimiro-Querubin, who was at the "Be Happy" event, said that the goal is to espouse a 'circle of connectedness' at various levels. First, connectedness to one's inner self - which helps a person identify what he feels in order to do something about it. Second, connectedness to others - filling a universal need of people to feel appreciated and affirmed.

A Facebook page called "My Happy Hour" has been made through K2 Interactive, a digital comunications company. On this page, people can share Happy Hour insights and ideas through their blogs, Facebook messages and other means such as posting pictures or links to videos.

It does not matter if you are one of those who have fallen into depression. You could be leading a fairly boring life but willing to support the Happy Hour cause. Whatever it is, do find time to visit the "My Happy Hour" Facebook page as often as you can and post what makes you happy at that moment. Through the sharings, everyone ends up blessing each other with happy moments.

NGF aims to reach as many people as possible through this campaign so that depressed people can begin to proactively take control of their lives and bring happiness to themselves. By having a Happy Hour, each person is kept balanced and healthy in body, mind and spirit, according to Jean Goulbourn, NGF's founder.

Natasha Goulbourn Foundation (NGF)
Email: / Tel: +632.897.2217
HOPE Lines: +63917-558-HOPE (4673)

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