My Tabs

Monday, February 20, 2012

Happy 5th Birthday, Nuffnang!

I am proud to say I am a Nuffnanger! It's been a little over a year since I joined Nuffnang PH and I am now on my 2nd year and still going strong...

Nuffnang is Asia-Pacific's first blog advertising community consisting of hundreds of bloggers who write about everything and anything under the sun (and under the sea). In the Philippines alone, they count several hundred bloggers under their wing.

Nuffnang will be celebrating its 5th birthday on Feb. 27. Wow, have they been here that long already? I do remember first encountering them at the very first Word Camp of Wordpress here in Manila and wondering what Nuffnang was all about. In fact, I still have their Nuffnang mug here (it holds all my pens).

Celebrating one's 5th birthday is a milestone indeed and Nuffnang will be celebrating at Borough, The Podium Mall. I hope to be able to attend this and get to meet not only my blogger friends who are also Nuffnangers but also get to meet those I have not met yet.

Happy, happy 5th birthday, my dear Nuffnang! Here's one for you.

(greeting card courtesy of Photobucket)

And thanks to Nuffnang sponsors, without whom our celebration won't be possible.

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